Thursday 20 March 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Movie Maker - Windows 7

Movie Maker
With Windows 7 and Movie Maker, it's easier than ever to create and share your own movies. It's part of Windows Essentials, a free download that also includes tools for photos, instant messaging, email, social networking, and more.
You might have noticed that Movie Maker isn’t included in Windows 7. However, you can still turn your videos and photos into movies in Windows 7 by installing a video editing program from another company or by installing the new version of Movie Maker—named Movie Maker.

Note: Movie Maker might already be installed on your computer. To find out, click the Startbutton Picture of the Start button, type movie maker in the search box, and see if it appears in the list of results.

Combine videos and photos

With Movie Maker, you can make movies from your photos and videos, whether they're already on your computer or still on your camera.

Easy to edit

Use Movie Maker special effects and themes to make your movies stand out. Editing movies is now as easy as dragging and dropping the scenes, still photos, and transitions where you want them. You can even use AutoMovie to let Movie Maker create a film for you.
Picture of Movie Maker video editing
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With Movie Maker, you can easily edit movies.

Share your movies online

In just a few clicks, share your movies on your favorite social networking sites such as YouTube and Facebook, or upload them to SkyDrive. Watch your movie with friends while chatting in Windows Live Messenger.

Learn how

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